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Immunisation advice

Last updated: 01/08/2022 13:11

For your health and the health of those around you, we recommend a series of immunisations.

We strongly recommend that you are up to date with all your vaccinations before coming to University and ensure that:

  • You are up to date with your:
  • Public Health Wales also recommend that students under the age of 25 receive the Meningitis ACWY vaccination.
  • If you are in an at-risk group, it may be recommended that you have a seasonal flu vaccination. Make sure that you are registered with a GP practice as soon as possible to receive an invitation.
  • If you are a healthcare student, you will need additional vaccinations.
  • If you are unsure whether you have had any of these vaccinations, please ask your GP surgery.

If you did not get immunised before leaving for University, you can register with a new GP practice and contact them for further information.

You may need a booster for travelling abroad. Contact your GP practice for further information. International students who have not had the vaccines in their home country will be able to get it from their new Cardiff GP free of charge.