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Online enrolment

Last updated: 02/09/2022 16:07

One of the first steps to becoming a student at Cardiff University is to complete online enrolment 3 weeks before you start.

You will receive an email to remind you approximately three weeks prior to the start date of your programme, letting you know that the online enrolment task is available. It should take you no longer than 15 minutes to complete.

Please note the enrolment task will only be available to you for a limited time, and therefore you are advised to complete enrolment as soon as you receive the email.

You must complete online enrolment by:

  • agreeing to be a student at Cardiff University and abide by its regulations
  • agreeing to the data protection statement
  • checking and updating your student record information
  • paying tuition fees or providing evidence of sponsorship
  • upload identity documentation to show Right to Study in the UK
  • upload a passport-style photograph to use on your student card
  • read and agree to our community commitment.

Once you've enrolled, you can collect your student ID card, access all of our facilities and receive your first student loan payment and attend your School induction events.

How to enrol online

Before starting the registration process you will need:

  • your Cardiff University username and password
  • your contact details
  • where relevant, your payment details (bank account, credit/debit card, sponsorship details)
  • a scanned copy of your identity documentation
  • an electronic passport-style photo.

You can access online enrolment through SIMS online.

You will need to click on the ‘SIMS: online login’ link (on the bottom left of the screen) and then enter your Cardiff University username and password.

On the 'My Student Record' tab, click on the link ‘Start Enrolment’.

You should check the information the university holds about you and update this where required. Your information will be saved as you complete each page; this means that you will not be able to go back and make changes once you have completed each page so read and check the information carefully.

Once Enrolment Part 1 has been completed, a couple of other tasks will appear:

  • For home students, the identity document upload facility and Enrolment Part 2 will appear. Once the identity document upload task is completed the photo upload task will appear.
  • For international students, the Photo upload and enrolment Part 2 tasks will appear. (International students will need to present passport and visa documents in person at one of the organised events which you will receive notification of)

It is important that must complete all sections.

Read more information about using the SIMS online portal.

After online enrolment

Once you have completed enrolment you will be sent a confirmation of enrolment email within 24 hours. It is not necessary to print this out.

In SIMS online, the 'Start Enrolment' button will disappear and a new 'Access Enrolment' button will appear.

On the “Enrolment” tab a new link will appear “Confirm Programme of Study” which you will need to click on.

If you need to select optional modules, a link will appear once you have confirmed your programme of study. Some Schools may require you to attend School induction events before selecting optional modules. See your School Induction timetable for more information.

If your optional module selections are incorrect, you can re-select them using the module selection facility, which your School will then need to approve.

You can view your modules at any time within SIMS online by visiting the academic record section.

Transferring to a different programme

You can request a programme transfer via an online task once you've completed online enrolment. We advise that you first seek academic approval from your School. Please note this may require a reassessment of your fee liability.

Student finance for funded students

If you have applied for Student Finance make sure that your university, course details, and tuition fee amount are correct on your notification of entitlement letter.

If any information on your entitlement letter is incorrect then the easiest way to update your details is by logging into your online account before 1 September and choosing "Change your application". It should then take Student Finance up to around 20 working days to process the change.

After 1 September, you won't be able to change the details yourself. Instead, contact the Student Advice and Money team for help with this.

If you are coming to Cardiff University through Clearing, funding for clearing students provides more information about this process and how to manage possible delays in funding.

Membership of the Students' Union

Once you complete online enrolment, you automatically become a full member of the Cardiff University Students' Union, which offers a variety of clubs, societies and services.

However, you do have the right not to be a member of the Union under Section 22(2)(c) of the Education Act 1994. If you'd like to exercise that right, you'll need to notify the Academic Registrar via Student Connect by the end of the second week of the first term or within 14 days of completing online enrolment.

Assistance with online enrolment

Online enrolment is compulsory, and we advise that you complete it before you arrive in Cardiff - but if you can't access a computer or get online, you can get help enrolling at the university in one of our enrolment venues where staff will be on hand to help.

You can do this at the student ID card collection point.

Additional equality and diversity support

If you identify with any of the following groups, more information about available support is in our equality, diversity and inclusion section.

  • asylum seekers
  • care leavers
  • disability and dyslexia
  • estranged students
  • forces veterans
  • gender reassignment
  • lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans(gender), and intersex +
  • religion and belief
  • student carers
  • student parents.

Enrolment enquiries