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Our community commitment

Last updated: 30/09/2022 15:21

During the COVID-19 pandemic, we all worked to support each other, to behave appropriately and with consideration, and to intervene when we saw others failing to uphold the behaviour and standards of the university.

Although Welsh Government restrictions have eased, our individual and collective responsibility to treat each other with respect, courtesy and consideration at all times continues.

Together, we are committed to offering a welcoming, inclusive and safe environment for our students and staff. We will address negative discriminatory behaviours including those based on stereotypes and prejudiced attitudes.

Building on these foundations, we ask everyone at the university to adopt the following Commitment.

  • I will behave in accordance with relevant university conduct policies and the Dignity at Work and Study policy. I will focus on inclusivity and supporting everyone around me. Where appropriate and where I feel safe and able to, I will call out and positively challenge when I see others behaving inappropriately and contrary to COVID-19 guidance. I will raise those concerns directly with those people in an open, constructive and polite manner. Where I feel unable to safely challenge, I will raise concerns with specialist teams within the university as outlined in this Commitment.
  • I will look out for those I work and learn with. I understand the importance of providing support, to help people where possible in dealing with the impact of COVID-19 on their lives, and of supporting others to help them stay engaged with their work or their academic studies. I will ensure I understand what support is available from the university, and how I may access it for myself and others.
  • I understand that Welsh Government guidance, and subsequently the university’s COVID-19 safety measures, can change and I will take personal responsibility to make sure I am aware, follow and support these
  • I accept the role that I have in making sure that the areas where I live, work, and study are as safe as they can be to the best of my abilities and knowledge
  • If I am challenged about my behaviour I will take these requests seriously and respond in an open, positive, and respectful manner, in line with this Commitment and the Dignity at Work and Study policy
  • I understand that the appropriate staff and student complaint, disciplinary and grievance procedures could apply in the event of an intentional breach of this Commitment.

Our approach in the first instance is to ask our staff and student community to self-regulate in a respectful manner, holding each other to account to ensure we all follow the requirements, keeping the university a safe and inclusive place for all.

The Commitment makes clear that concerns should be raised in an open, positive, and respectful manner. These principles should be the core of all interactions.

This is a collective commitment asked of the whole university community and applies at all times, rather than an additional or formal responsibility only asked of our staff.

The first step should be to establish the individual’s awareness and understanding of the situation. It is possible that people may not understand, have forgotten or simply not given thought to the requirements, or that they weren’t clear that they had in some way breached them.

Having gained that understanding and allowed the party to express their interpretation of events, you should explain the existence of the guidance, referring to the Community Commitment, and the risks that not upholding our responsibilities puts everyone under.

It is anticipated that in most cases this intervention will be sufficient. Where this approach does not work, and you feel confident there is a need, you may wish to escalate this further.

Escalating your concern

Concerns about staff behaviour

The initial concern should be raised with your home School via the School office or your personal tutor. If this does not address the concerns raised, you can access the Student Complaints Procedure.

Concerns about student behaviour

If you would like to report a suspected case of misconduct by a student in relation to COVID-19 safety measures to the university, you can email us on or call us on +44 (0)29 2251 1222.

We do not accept anonymous complaints, will treat all complaints very seriously and have a clear process in place to address and monitor reported problems.

You should include the date, time and location the issue occurred, who was involved (the name of the student if you know), any witnesses who were present at the time. You will also need to leave your name, email and a telephone contact number.

Urgent support

If the situation is urgent, or you feel that you are at risk of physical and verbal abuse, you can get support from University Security (on-campus) +44 (0)29 2087 4444 or the Police (off-campus).