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Reasons to live in university accommodation

By living in student halls or houses you will have access to our student peer support network as well as meeting new people as you start your student life.

It's a busy, lively environment where you get to meet loads of new people from different backgrounds. If you prefer something a bit less lively, we also offer a range of quiet living accommodation options.

Meeting new people

For the majority of students, going to university will mean living away from home for the first time. Settling in quickly and making new friends will be important first steps of university life.

Living in student accommodation, whether it be a student house or hall of residence, provides the perfect opportunity to meet different people studying a whole range of subjects.

One of the biggest perks of it is that you are all in it together. Learning and doing things for the first time, whether that be cooking, ironing, washing clothes, etc. is great because the majority of people will be experiencing this too.

Ellie, BA Journalism and Communications, 2020

Our Residence Life Team are here to help ensure you have the best possible time whilst staying in our accommodation. They are committed to providing a warm welcome and helping you to make a smooth transition into university.

Watch a video about how the Residence Life Team can help you settle in at the university.

They provide peer-to-peer support and can direct you to student support and wellbeing services when needed. They also help foster a strong sense of community through a range of social events and cultural activities, as well as practical support.

You can follow the Residence Life Team on Instagram.


Most of our halls and houses are situated in the heart of the city, not only close to the university campus, Students' Union and academic buildings, but also the city's shops, parks and nightlife.

It's easy to get around Cardiff using public transport links.

Safety and security

We work hard to make sure you have a comfortable, clean and safe place to live.

And, if you ever need them, our Security Team is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Guaranteed accommodation

If you're an undergraduate student with a firm offer, you are guaranteed a single occupancy place in university accommodation with other first year students as long as you meet certain deadlines. We also guarantee accommodation to international postgraduate students arriving in September providing certain deadlines are met.

Cardiff is one of the best UK cities for young adults because of its low cost of living, good job opportunities and decent wages.

The Complete University Guide 2017

We are also one of only a few universities that offers overseas students, applying through the normal admissions cycle, a single occupancy room in university accommodation during term time and vacations for the whole of their degree programme, provided the course is in line with residential periods and application is made via the returning student process.


  • 70 percent of bedrooms in university accommodation have their own en-suite bathrooms.

Cardiff is regularly listed as one of the most affordable university cities in the UK in the Natwest Student Living Index. Our living costs calculator can help you get an idea of how much living in Cardiff will cost you.

There are many cafes and restaurants across the campus and in the Students' Union where reasonably priced meals are served.

Within your accommodation, you'll get free Wi-Fi and access to the university computer network connection points.


Residences Office