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Organise your own fundraising

Pick a fundraising idea to suit your passions and showcase your skills. There are lots of ways you can fundraise for our research as a part of #TeamCardiff.

Dinners, balls, concerts and reunions

Over the last couple of years, many of us have missed having our social calendars full of things to look forward to. So organising a dinner, ball or concert is a wonderful way to bring people back together and raise money.

If you’re an alum, why not bring your classmates back to Cardiff with a reunion? Selling tickets, adding an auction, raffle, or quiz (filled with Cardiff facts to test your memories) are simple ways to make your event a fundraiser, as well as fun! We can help with advice and share your event with your alumni community. Contact our alumni office about organising a reunion.

Sports and games tournaments

Footie or Fortnite, table tennis or Twister, poker or Pokémon; sports and games tournaments can be a great way of combining your hobbies with fundraising. So whether you want to hold a golf tournament on a world-class course, or run a 24 hour ‘gameathon’ our Community Fundraising Officer is here to help.

Coffee mornings and bake sales

An oldie but a goodie. Get the kettle on, dust off your mixing bowl (or make a dash to the shops!) and host a coffee morning or bake sale. An easy to organise fundraiser that brings friends, family and colleagues together. Remember to check out our practical fundraising tips.

Lifestyle challenges

If you’re a secret nail biter, sweary Mary or simply want to ditch the chocolate or booze for a bit, challenge yourself to go without. Get your friends and family to support you through sponsorship. Simply set up a JustGiving page, pick a cause and get started.

Get in touch

If you’d like to find out more, discuss options or tell us your #TeamCardiff fundraising plans, get in touch and we can help with all the advice and support you need to reach your target.

Stephanie Bird

Stephanie Bird

Community Fundraising Officer

+44 (0)29 2087 6551