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Give in your Will

A gift can make a lasting difference to future generations inspiring our students to enquire, innovate and bring real change to the world we live in.

Every gift is precious and will make a huge impact on our work, no matter what the size. You can specify exactly how it's used if you feel passionate about some aspect of Cardiff University – a building, your school of study, a subject area or research project. Please get in touch and we'll be delighted to discuss this with you.

If you've already named Cardiff University in your will, thank you. We would love to officially offer our gratitude for your generous gift. Please complete our legacy pledge form (you can tell us as little or as much as you like) and return it to us at the address listed on the form.

Your questions answered

Yes, and we would be delighted to hear that you've left us a gift, but we appreciate that a will is a very private and personal matter. Any information you do share with us will be treated in the strictest confidence and is not legally binding.

We would love to have the opportunity to express our gratitude and thanks in your lifetime, and to keep you up to date about progress at Cardiff University. You will become a member of the Sir Martin Evans Circle, so that we can recognise your generosity, and include your name on our Register of Bequests. Alternatively, you can remain anonymous, if you prefer.

Yes. It is straightforward to add a codicil to your will. Your solicitor will be able to advise you on this.

Yes. One of the great things about making a will is that you can leave a small percentage rather than a specific amount. After you have looked after your family and friends, leaving a percentage of the remainder of your estate is a great way of making a difference to a cause you care about. Also, it won't be affected by inflation.

Yes. Gifts can be made to preserve the memory of your own name, or to honour the names of family or friends.

All gifts in wills should be made to "Cardiff University, Development and Alumni Relations Office, Deri House, 2-4 Park Grove, Cardiff, CF10 3PA (registered Charity No. 1136855)".

If you would like to discuss something not covered here, please get in touch with Sarah Morgan-Davies, Legacies and In Memoriam Gifts Officer, on or +44 (0)29 2251 0296 and she will be pleased to help you come up with a form of wording that's right for you.

Yes. We would be delighted to welcome you here so you can see Cardiff University as it is today and hear about our plans for the future.

Please contact Sarah Morgan-Davies, Legacies and In Memoriam Gifts Officer, on or +44 (0)29 2251 0296 arrange a visit to the area of your choice.

Yes. As a registered charity (no. 1136855), we gratefully accept gifts from everyone, regardless of whether you studied here or not. It might be that you have an affinity with the city of Cardiff, a keen interest in some of our research, or maybe you work (or used to work) at the University, or have a son or daughter who studied here.

Whatever your link to us, we would welcome being a beneficiary in your will and knowing you better.

When it comes to inheritance tax, we advise you to obtain further information from the Inland Revenue Capital Taxes Office. You can also ring them on +44 (0) 845 30 20 900.

Suggested wording

Here are a few examples of suggested wording that we hope make writing your will that much easier.

Before using any of these in your will, please seek the advice of your solicitor or other professional adviser. We also recommend that you ensure any will or codicil entered is properly executed.

I give ____% of the residue of my estate (before the deduction of inheritance tax, if any is payable) to Cardiff University, Development and Alumni Relations Office, Deri House, 2-4 Park Grove, Cardiff, CF10 3PA (registered charity number 1136855) as an unrestricted legacy.

It is my wish that it shall be applied for the benefit of said University wherever the University considers the funds could be best used at the time of their receipt. On realisation of the bequest, a receipt from the Vice-Chancellor or other authorised officer shall be sufficient discharge for my Executors.

I give [the sum of £_____] [or insert details of specific item] free of tax to Cardiff University, Development and Alumni Relations Office, Deri House, 2-4 Park Grove, Cardiff, CF10 3PA (registered charity number 1136855) as an unrestricted legacy.

It is my wish that it shall be applied for the benefit of said University wherever the University considers the funds could be best used at the time of receipt. On realisation of the bequest, a receipt from the Vice-Chancellor or other authorised officer shall be sufficient discharge for my Executors.

In this case, you may wish to include:

The legacy referred to in clause ______ shall be index-linked, so that the actual amount given shall be the figure which bears the same proportion to the sum stated as the index figure in the Index Retail Prices (the "Index") for the month in which my death occurs bears to the index figure in the Index for the month in which this will is executed.

Will writing jargon buster

Codicil, intestate, residue? When it comes to making a will, you might stumble on a few terms you haven't heard before. Here are our explanations of the most commonly used words in will writing.

A person, or an organisation, to whom you leave something in your will.

A term for a gift that you leave to a person or organisation in your will. There are several different types of bequests, but the main ones are:

Residuary bequest

A gift made of what is left of your estate after all other gifts have been handed out and debts paid off. To do this, you may leave either the total of the residue or a percentage.

Pecuniary bequest

A gift made of a fixed sum of money. Unfortunately, the effect of inflation means that the value of a pecuniary gift will decrease over time. However, it is possible to index-link the amount of the gift, so it keeps pace with inflation.

Specific bequest

A particular named item left as a gift in your will. For example, a piece of jewellery, furniture or a painting.

A codicil is a document used to change a will that has already been made.

Your estate is the total sum of your personal possessions, property and money minus any liabilities.

The person or people you appoint to ensure your final wishes are carried out. These can be professionals, friends, family members or institutions such as banks and some charities.

Someone who is responsible for children until they turn 18.

This tax is paid on the portion of your estate that is above the nil-rate threshold.

The word used to describe someone who has died without writing a will.

Another word for a gift or bequest left in your will.

When somebody dies leaving a will, their executors will usually need to apply for a grant of probate. Once this is obtained, the executors can deal with the wishes expressed in the will and distribute the gifts that have been left.

This is what is left of your estate after any outstanding debts, taxes, pecuniary and specific bequests have been distributed to beneficiaries.

The name given to a person who has made a will.

One or more people who manage a trust.

For more information on leaving a gift in your will, or to arrange a visit to the University, please contact:

Development and Alumni Relations