Ewch i’r prif gynnwys


With over 7,530 international students from more than 138 countries, join our diverse and inspiring academic community studying courses that will help improve your career prospects and gain access to specialist facilities and dedicated support.

Gweld gwybodaeth sy’n berthnasol i’ch gwlad

Cysylltwch â'r Swyddfa Rhyngwladol am gyngor ynghylch gwneud cais i Brifysgol Caerdydd neu unrhyw gwestiynau eraill sydd gennych.

Pori pob gwlad

Pori pob gwlad


Checking alignment

    If you've accepted your course offer, find out what your next steps are.

    Mae cynrychiolwyr y Brifysgol yn mynd i ddigwyddiadau'n rheolaidd ar gyfer darpar fyfyrwyr o bob cwr o'r byd, a bydd y rhain yn digwydd wyneb yn wyneb ac yn rhithwir.

    Information on entry requirements, exhibitions, visits and the advisors available to help you in your home country.

    Details on tuition fees and living costs and the funding opportunities available to you.

    Cysylltwch â’n tîm o lysgenhadon myfyrwyr gyda chwestiynau am fywyd myfyriwr, cwrs neu wybod y gwir am sut beth yw bod yn fyfyriwr yng Nghaerdydd.

    If you are an overseas applicant and your first language is not English, then you must have a proven level of English to study on our courses.

    Our English language teaching centre offers a variety of courses ranging from eight weeks to nine months which cater for most language levels and abilities.

    A foundation or pre-master's programme can provide an alternative route of entry onto our undergraduate and postgraduate courses.

    The Erasmus programme offers EU students the opportunity to study with us for up to one year which will form part of your degree from your current institution.

    Undergraduates can study abroad in Cardiff for one or two semesters and get a truly unique experience in the capital city of Wales.

    Information about the new Graduate Visa scheme.

    Our Student Futures team offers specalised career support to international students and can help you prepare for life after university.

    Dedicated pages and resources for our international advisors.

    There are a number of ways you can contact us and keep up-to-date with our international activities.