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Our impact

Read the stories behind our projects, and find out how we're making a difference in communities across Wales and further afield.

Performers being watched by school children

The Shadow of the Crane

A drama to reengage children in learning about the environment and local history

Fighting antimicrobial resistance with art

Using the arts and science to raise public awareness to combat antimicrobial resistance.

Building international languages in Welsh primary schools

How our researchers are supporting teachers across Wales to deliver the new curriculum.

Green social prescribing in the Cynon Valley

Improving people’s health and wellbeing through connection to nature.

Laughing all the way to better wellbeing in childhood

We're developing new education resources to support humour and play in schools.

Understanding mental health in Muslim communitiess

Find out how we're promoting a better understanding of mental health problems in Muslim communities

Building a child-friendly recovery plan for Grangetown

Our researchers are giving young people a voice in creating a pandemic recovery plan for their community.

Treorchy's digital community: the road to COVID-19 recovery

How we're using technology to connect small businesses with existing and new customers to support COVID-19 recovery.

Helping children thrive in the classroom

Working with children and educators to help pupils get the very best from their time at school.